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Welcome to NORGE.RU! All Norway in russian.

All Norway in russianNow, Norway will become closer for You, due to this node in internet network. Here we purposive to tell as large as possible on this strangely beautiful and interesting country. Culture, histories, folk, traditions, sport and much than else.

Kingdom of Norway one the most wonderful places on a planet, so also an attractive place for tourists and travellers. We shall try, as it is possible is more volumetric to tell about Norway on a site, having given as much as possible interesting and the helpful information for tourists.

At the desire, You too can take part in making a node. For this it is necessary to send us their own tales or any other information connected with Norway, which will be a change on this node.

Norway will be won with your heart for ever

Visit our friendly project about tourism to Norway for tourists from Russia:
Our site is devoted to the Scandinavian country which to be famous for the fjords and the ancient traditions leaving in immemorial centuries of vikings, by fantastic beauty of the nature and rich national culture. All this - certainly, Norway!

Destination Norway

Norway flagNorway is a ruggedly beautiful country of mountains, fjords and glaciers. It offers incredible wilderness hiking, year-round skiing, and some of the most scenic ferry, bus and train rides imaginable. The `Land of the Midnight Sun' has delightfully long summer days, pleasantly low-key cities, unspoiled fishing villages and rich historic sites that include Viking ships and medieval stave churches.

Officially Kingdom of Norway

Officially Kingdom of NorwayCountry of northern Europe that occupies the western half of the Scandinavian peninsula. The country, called Norge in traditional Norwegian and Noreg in New Norwegian, has an area of 125,004 square miles (323,758 square km), excluding the dependencies of Svalbard, Jan Mayen, Bouvet Island, and Peter I Island. With the Barents Sea to the north, the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea to the west, and Skagerrak (Skager Strait) to the south, Norway has land borders only to the east—with Sweden, Finland, and Russia. Nearly half of the inhabitants of the country live in the far south, in the region around Oslo, the capital. About two-thirds of Norway is mountainous, and off its much-indented coastline lie some 50,000 islands.

Milk as a symbol of Norwegianness

A little while ago, the manager of norgee Meierier [Norwegian Dairies] was liberated from his obligations, as one would put it in diplomatic terms. Mr. Per Hatling, it was alleged, had mixed his private business interests with the company's in unacceptable ways, and left ingloriously.

In the aftermath of Mr. Hatling's departure, a hidden agenda became publicly known. It turned out that there had long been miscontent with Mr. Hatling's style of management in the dairy cooperative. Mr. Hatling, it was claimed by dairy farmers and others, represented an enterprise culture alien to the farmers. His approach was described as that of an aggressive liberalist with a poor understanding of the farmers' way of life and economic style.

Opening of monument Fridtjof Nansen in Moscow

Nansen i MoscowNansen i Moscow. Opening of monument Fridtjof Nansen in Moscow 18 september 2002.

Opening of a monument in Moscow also communicates with a 100-anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia and Norway which will be marked in 2004.

The sculpture of work of V.E.Tsigalja is established in Big Levshisky lane, opposite to a building of the Russian International Red Cross



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Morten Harket
Free download MP3
Bjornstjerne Bjornson
Edvard Grieg
Knut Hamsun
Sigrid Undset
Year in Review 2001: world-affairs
The last hell - Synne Brekke
Milk as a symbol of Norwegianness
Interesting places


Excuse. The page in English is supported til april 2007, there is no employee with the language.
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