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 All Norway in Russian

Milk as a symbol of Norwegianness

A little while ago, the manager of Norske Meierier [Norwegian Dairies] was liberated from his obligations, as one would put it in diplomatic terms. Mr. Per Hatling, it was alleged, had mixed his private business interests with the company's in unacceptable ways, and left ingloriously.

In the aftermath of Mr. Hatling's departure, a hidden agenda became publicly known. It turned out that there had long been miscontent with Mr. Hatling's style of management in the dairy cooperative. Mr. Hatling, it was claimed by dairy farmers and others, represented an enterprise culture alien to the farmers. His approach was described as that of an aggressive liberalist with a poor understanding of the farmers' way of life and economic style.

Nansen i Moscow

Nansen i Moscow. Opening of monument Fridtjof Nansen in Moscow 18 september 2002.
Opening of a monument in Moscow also communicates with a 100-anniversary of diplomatic relations between Russia and Norway which will be marked in 2004.
The sculpture of work of V.E.Tsigalja is established in Big Levshisky lane, opposite to a building of the Russian International Red Cross



The information for the holders a combat of beasts of the ships and Norway. We want shall purchase the ship on hire basis or leasing hereafter purchasing. If the padding information is required, we are off-the shelf her to grant immediately.

More information - Urmanov V.H.

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Morten Harket
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Bjornstjerne Bjornson
Edvard Grieg
Knut Hamsun
Sigrid Undset
Year in Review 2001: world-affairs
The last hell - Synne Brekke
Milk as a symbol of Norwegianness
Interesting places

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